La Elegancia del Erizo

Title of the book I read: La elegancia del erizo.
Author of the book: Muriel Barbery
Name: José Ignacio Verdugo Fraile
Group: 4º E.S.O 1
Why I recommend this book: At the beginning, this book seems boring. But little by little, you’ll enjoy it. Then, you won’t put it down, you’ll like it.
The book takes place in France. In the area of a town, there is a building and the caretaker seems to be slow but then, you will check that she’s gifted, just like Paloma, the daughter of a couple that lives in the building.
The little girl doesn’t feel comfortable with her family and wants to commit suicide, but finally she decides to put this idea out of her head.
I recommend this book, because it’s an interesting book and I’m sure you’ll like it.
Moral: “Appearances can be deceptive”
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